Athlete EQ is dedicated to helping equestrians through mental performance coaching and sport psychology. It was founded by a certified mental performance coach and life-long equestrian who understands the importance of having the right mindset in order to succeed.
Our mission is to create a strong riding mindset allowing riders to grow and reach their full potential. Through meaningful conversations, we work together to build strategies and the necessary skills to achieve your riding goals.

Our services are tailored to the lives of busy equestrians, from trainers with long days and packed weekends to competitive amateurs with outside obligations. We even have programs designed for youth or junior equestrians and their parents. At Athlete EQ we create exactly what you, the rider needs to grow and perform at your best.
Meet the coach
Jessica Circe, CPCC, ACC
A professional equestrian turned engineer turned mental performance coach, I've spent my life in careers that were all about human mental performance. I combine my own experience and human performance learnings and client-focused coaching technique with innovative sport and performance psychology methods to give equestrians an edge by gaining confidence, stressing less, finding balance and, ultimately, performing better.